Friday 17th March

Great to see more new faces in class this week. We re-capped all the routines we have learnt to date and everyone did so well. The routines are really taking shape and it’s good to see some personal styling creeping in too. The turning twinkle in Rita’s Waltz was really great this week. Well done!

We recapped the following dances:

Rita’s Waltz

Rocket to the Sun

Maverick Shuffle

Electric Slide

Do You Remember

Cowboy Charleston

Mamma Maria


Friday 9th March

Good to see some new beginners in the class today. Everyone did incredibly well with the dance routines. The new dance was a waltz – mastering forward and back balance steps and twinkles. Good job done!

Rita’s Waltz

We recapped the following dances:

Rocket to the Sun

Maverick Shuffle

Electric Slide

Do You Remember

Cowboy Charleston


Friday 23rd February

It’s unfortunate that we haven’t been able to dance for the last 2 weeks. It is more challenging when you haven’t had the opportunity to practice regularly, so it was really great to see that everyone had remembered the routines really well. We also has a couple of new beginners who joined us and they also picked up the dance routines superbly. Well done everyone!

We recapped the following dances:

Rocket to the Sun

Mamma Maria

Maverick Shuffle

Electric Slide

Do You Remember

Cowboy Charleston


Friday 2nd February

Only the 4th week and you managed to dance six routines this evening! Great to see you looking more relaxed now that you are remembering the routines and good to see some personal styling coming in too which looks fab 🙂

The new dance this week was: Rocket to the Sun

and we recapped the rest of the dances listed below

If you would like more details about these dances, such as a step sheet or a tutorial video, click on the dance title

Mamma Maria

Maverick Shuffle

Electric Slide

Do You Remember

Cowboy Charleston


Friday 26th January

Really super dancing! It really seemed like the routines had clicked into place 🙂

So far you’ve learnt ‘grapevines’, ‘V steps’, ‘touches’, ‘kicks’, ‘charleston steps’, and side shuffles. You know the difference between weight bearing and non weight bearing steps and how to turn by looking towards your new wall. You’ve made great progress!

Here are this weeks dances:

If you would like more details about these dances, such as a step sheet or a tutorial video, click on the dance title

Mamma Maria Line Dance

Maverick Shuffle

Electric Slide

Do You Remember

Cowboy Charleston


Friday 19th January

Great to see so many people came back to give line dancing another try. It takes at least 3 or 4 sessions before you really start to feel like you are dancing without having to think too hard. Be patient with yourself and have fun. Here are this weeks dances:

If you would like more details about these dances, such as a step sheet or a tutorial video, click on the dance title

Maverick Shuffle

Electric Slide

Do You Remember

Cowboy Charleston


Friday 12th January

Lovely to see so many people keen to try line dancing. Everyone did so well! Here is a list of the dance routines taught.

If you would like more details about these dances, such as a step sheet or a tutorial video, click on the dance title

Electric Slide

Do You Remember

Cowboy Charleston