Line Dance Newsletter March 2017

Click on the link below to read our newsletter which has details about our latest dances, social events and more. Please let me know if you have anything you’d like to share in the next newsletter 🙂 March 2017 – Line Dance...

Whatchugot Line Dance

Whatchugot choreographed by Neville Fitzgerald and Julie Harris to the track of the same title by Caro Emerald is a 32 count, 4 wall, high improver level line dance Here’s a tutorial video Side, Together, Forward, Lock Step Forward, Rock, Recover, Coaster Cross....

Boom Boom Bang Line Dance

Boom Boom Bang choreographed by Jamie Barnfield to the track ‘Tongue Tied’ by Earl is a 32 count, 2 wall, beginner level line dance which is great as a floor split with Tongue Tied Up Here’s a tutorial video S1: TOUCH FORWARD, STEP BACK, TOUCH BACK,...

Funky Sole Line Dance

Funky Sole is a 64 count, 4 wall, intermediate level line dance choreographed by Robbie McGowan Hickie & Karl Harry-Winson to the track ‘Old Time Rock & Roll’ by Michael Bolton Here’s a tutorial video Step Sheet #16 Count intro S1: Forward...

Dr Wanna Do Line Dance

Dr Wanna Do is a 32 count, 4 wall, improver level line dance choreographed by Maggie Gallagher to Dr Wanna Do by Caro Emerald Here is a tutorial video – note that at the end of the last section these dancers make a triple full turn right, however you have the...