Clap Happy is a 64 count, 4 wall, intermediate level line dance to the great track ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams. It’s a dance that makes you want to smile, especially when we dance it in a circle!
Here’s a tutorial video
Tutorial video – link and 4 walls
Here’s an instructional video with music slowed slightly for practice
Here’s an instructional video with music at full speed
Here’s a video of the choreographer dancing
Step Sheet
Toe, heel. Kick, touch. Kick, touch. Kick. Touch.
1-2 Touch right toes forward. Drop right heel.
3-4 Kick left foot forward. Touch left beside right (bend your knees)
5-6 Kick left foot forward as you straighten. Step left beside right (bend your knees)
7-8 Kick right foot forward. Touch right beside left.
Kick, behind, side, cross. Kick, kick. Behind, kick.
1-2 Kick right to right side. Cross step right behind left.
3-4 Step left to left side. Cross step right over left.
5-6 Kick left to left side x2.
7-8 Cross step left behind right. Kick right to right side.
Behind, ¼, side, bump. Side, bump. Side, bump.
1-2 Cross step right behind left. Step left ¼ left.
3-4 Step right to right side. Sway/bump right hip to right.
5-6 Drop weight to left. Sway/bump left hip to left.
7-8 Drop weight to right. Sway/bump right hip to right.
Side, together, side, touch. ¼, ½, ½, step.
1-2 Step left to left side. Step right beside left.
3-4 Step left to left side. Touch right beside left.
5-6 Make ¼ right stepping right forward. Make ½ right stepping back left.
7-8 Make ½ right stepping forward right. Step forward left.
Rock, recover. Back, sweep. Back, sweep. Rock, recover.
1-2 Rock forward right. Recover on left.
3-4 Step back right as you sweep left from front to back over 2 counts
5-6 Step back left as you sweep right from front to back over 2 counts.
7-8 Rock back right. Recover on left.
Toe, Heel, Cross. Toe, Heel, Cross. Stomp. Stomp/kick.
1-2 Touch right toes to left instep. Touch right heel to right diagonal.
3-4 Cross right over left. Touch left toes to right instep.
5-6 Touch left heel to left diagonal. Cross left over right.
7-8 stomp right beside left. Stomp right shoulder width apart from left as you kick left to left side.
Behind, side, cross, hitch. Touch, hitch, behind, ¼.
1-2 Cross step left behind right. Step right to right side.
3-4 Cross left over right. Hitch right up and around to front.
5-6T ouch right toes across left. Hitch right up and around to back.
7-8 Cross step right behind left. Make ¼ left stepping left forward.
Step, POSE! ¼. ¼ hitch. Jazz box.
1-2 Step right to right side. Touch left to left side as you angle your upper body to right diagonal & strike a pose! (optional)
3-4 Make ¼ left stepping left forward. Make ¼ left on ball of left foot as you hitch right from back to front.
5-6 Cross step right over left. step back on left.
7-8 Step right to right. step left forward.
No Tags or Restarts….. Just clap along & be happy