Peaches and Cream is a 32 count, 4 wall line dance choreographed by Peter Metelnick and Alison Biggs to ‘You’re Sixteeen’ by Ringo Starr Step Sheet (1-8) R & L step touches, R side shuffle, L back rock & recover 1-4 Step R side, touch L...
Cooler Than Me – 32 count, 4 wall, beginner level line dance choreographed by Frank Trace to ‘Cooler Than Me’ by Mike Posner Here is a tutorial video Here is a demo video Step Sheet HEEL, TOE, SIDE STEP RIGHT, DRAG TOUCH, HEEL, TOE, SIDE STEP LEFT,...
Little Red Book choreographed by Dee Musk is a beginner level line dance to the track ‘You’re More Than A Number In My Little Red Book’ by The Drifters – sing along and enjoy 😉 Here is a tutorial video, including instruction with music Here is...
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